Ye wise, instruct me
to endure
An evil, which admits
no cure:
Or, how this evil can
be borne
Which breeds at once
both hate and scorn.
Bare innocence is no
When you are tried in
Scandal’s court.
Stand high in honour,
wealth or wit;
All others, who
inferior sit,
Conceive themselves in
conscience bound
To join, and drag you
to the ground.
Your altitude offends
the eyes
Of those who want the
power to rise.
The world, a willing
Inclines to aid a spacious
Alas! They would not
do you wrong;
But, all appearances
are strong!
Yet, whence proceeds
this weight we lay
On what deteracting
people say?
For, let mankind
discharge their tongnes,
In venom, till they
burst their lungs.
Their utmost malice
cannot make
Your head, or tooth,
or finger ache;
Nor spoil your shape. Distort
your face,
Or put one feature out
of place?
Nor, will you find
your fortune sink,
By what they speak or
what they think
Nor can ten hundred
thousand lies
Make you less
virtuous, learn’d or wise.
The most effectual way
to baulk
Their malice is – to let
them talk.
Scandal against the onslaught of which innocence is no shield
is an abominable evil. Crushing is its weight on the ordinary minds; it hangs
over their heads like the sword of Damocles. And there is no way out of it. One’s
prestige, wealth and wisdom seem to sink into insignificance because the whole
world seem to be an accomplice of the slanderers. One’s feels doomed. But the
post argues that all the prattle of the people cannot bring the least change in
any part of our physique. The columny cannot snatch away anything from one’s
virtues, wisdom or learning. Why should then it give jitters to our nerves. The
best way to thwart the spite of the slanderers is not to take any notice of
their talk, believing that he who spits on the moon merely spoils his own face.
is the most nerve shattering malady that one can face. One feels helpless
against its onslaught. There seems to be no way out of it. Mere innocence is no
shield against the ravages of calumny. Those to whom our wealth, learning or
status is like a thorn in their flesh want to make us lick the dust. And it
appears as if all the the world is in collusion with these slanderers. But the
poet exhorts us not to be panicky in such a predicament. He argues that we
should pay no heed to what these jealous wretches say against us. Because the
malice and hatred vomited out by these people can neither bring the change in
any part of our body nor can deprive us of our virtues, wealth or wisdom. The
best way, according to the poet, to thwart their malice is to turn a deaf ear towards
Moral – The best way to combat scandal is to turn a deaf ear
to it.