Now –a-days the problem of
indiscipline among students has grown very serious. Everybody complains of the
growing indiscipline among the students who are our future hopes. The question
arises why there is indiscipline among students? Some main causes that are
responsible for the indiscipline among student are:
Old system of education: Our old
system of education results in unrest among the students. They have to pass
through age-old system of examinations.
Political causes: Students were
encouraged by our leaders before 1947 to take part in freedom struggle. The
leaders and students made use of all fair and foul methods. The students grew
in the habit of using them against their teachers and the elders. Now we are
independent but still political parties use students for their selfish ends.
The conditions of schools and
colleges: The schools and colleges are over-crowded. The teachers are low-paid.
They are ill-fed and ill-clad. They run after tuitions. Students go to the
safest way to tuitions to pass the examination. The students do not read and
the teachers do not teach. When there is no work indiscipline comes in.
Backward educational system: Our
present educational system is not fruitful. After the education there students
do not get suitable jobs. There is a rush in classes. So there is no personal
link between teachers and students. Students fail to learn many useful and
important things from their teachers.
Social environments: Indiscipline
among students is a part of indiscipline in the society. The students see that
their leaders behave in an indiscipline way. Hence they do whatever they see.
The home atmosphere does not suit to our students. They see the anti-social
activities of their father.
Government’s responsibility:
Every year books and courses are changed. Experiments are made at the cost of
students, career. Sometimes the students have to appear in both meetings during
the examination days. He has to learn the most difficult subjects in a day when
they take up examination in both the meetings. They use unfair means. When they
are checked, they revolt.
Certain Suggestions. 1. Reforms
in the colleges and schools. The students or teachers should not be allowed to
take part in politics. Political parties should be not use the students for
their selfish ends. Only first rate persons must be appointed as teachers.
Salary of teachers must be increased. The classes must not be over- crowded.
There must be a good choice of taking up different courses.
2. To keep students away from
dirty life. The students should be taken away from the dirty life of cities.
Schools and colleges must be far away from busy cities. Let us follow the
example of Gurukuls and Rishikuls.
3. Collective efforts. Collective
efforts have to be made by government, teachers and guardians. The government
should take interest in the education. The teachers should think themselves as
trustees. The guardians should give some time to look after their wards.
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